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Wearing a bra is not appreciated as breast cancer as thought

Wearing a bra is not appreciated as breast cancer as thought
According to a new study , which was published in the UK 's Cancer Epidemiology argued that wearing a bra does not increase the risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women as human thinking some districts . Lu Chen, researchers at the Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and shesvik research on more than 1,000 women with breast cancer have a median age from 55 to 70 years. The results showed that wearing a bra term relating to the risk of breast cancer even if they wear this trend.

Center for Health Research’s national United State that the term negotiation rumors about wearing a bra causes breast cancer has been developed through a book published in 1995 of Ross Singer and Soma Grimaijer by titled Dressed To Kill. The author considered a woman wearing a bra 12 hours a day have a higher risk of cancer and many women do not wear.
The report is considered wearing a bra to prevent leukemia and bra can cause the table to toxic concentrations in breast cancer, but many experts and organizations such as the American Cancer Society has denied this. They have de that there was no evidence to confirm evidence for the views that have commented in the book Dressed To Kill.

Benefits of peanut butter

Research has shown that eating peanut butter 2 teaspoons ground about 5 times a week can reduce about 30 percent the risk of developing diabetes, According to the Time News Network.

Peanut butter also has another more benefit for health.

A large source of fiber and protein in spiced but help you eat to feel satisfied Utah , so there may be benefit in a reduce your weight . Many studies have shown that
Eating peanut butter can decrease the risk of heart disease, diabetes chronic disease and other chronic oxygen due to the anti- acid Polyphenolic diversity benefits in peanuts can also help to reduce the risk of stomach cancer, too.

Peanuts also contain many substances autonomous resveratrol anti oxygen a dilapidated effective prevention of cancer, cardiovascular disease memory loss (Alzheimer) and nerve inflammation fungal infection or viruses.

7 women orgasms

Some women have problems in sexual intercourse did not reach the goal or not comfortable top ( orgasms ) desire .

1. Self-training:
The first phase of the women can gain happiness from helping themselves, but when self-help, do not try to drill into the penis should immediately use masturbation A place to feel let down lowered, you will experience happiness ever before.

2 . Sensitized before bed :
Before reaching the bed should be used to drink , eat dinner , then reached with its partners . A Dessert Today sensitized body to burn and reached a comfort in the final stages .

3. Imagine:
Besides happiness with their partners, and that dreams can help you to concentrate fully with sex beans with imagination, while his partner you are sensitized you do it's not a thing wrong.

4 . Strengthen muscles gesture :
The experiments have shown that women who make gestures to strengthen every day can orgasm quickly and often and Sreang very racy .

5. MMA:
Many martial arts that is suitable for women, and the most appropriate above 3 reasons:
1. You are controlling the situation.
2. When contact with the man's hip Sreang
3 . Hand touching his chest Dessert .

6 . Behind the offensive :
Benefits of the martial arts , you can use artificial or assistance in doing sex partners .

7 . Tell them about your feelings :
The main thing you need to remember is that you voice say what you like and what you do not like ?

Get rid of the toxins from it can help you look younger

Get rid of the toxins from it can help you look younger , fresher and provide healthy feeling happy with the formula to get rid of toxins now is lemon

Lemon ( lemon ) rich by Washington against free radicals and other vitamins that help to get rid of toxins from the body , and most importantly , is to eat fruit?

For the main ingredients needed to get rid of toxins , such as fresh water Pearl level B ( Maple Syrup Grade B ) , orange , lemon fresh sea salt mill Cayenne Pepper Sea Salt . Method :

1 . Get rid of toxins by the wedge formula should be left free to relax enough to make ready for the fun to get rid of toxins from the body .
2 . Squeezing fresh lemons 12-14 tablespoons sea salt and a half teaspoon syrup spoon Pearl 13-14 mix 2 liters of water
3 . Try honeymoon drink small sips throughout the day when you feel thirsty
4 . Intestinal wash salt formula by combining 1 teaspoon sea salt in 1 liter of water policy to melt into each other and eating salt . But salt intake during the evening is better than another .
5 . Eating orange lemon salt water mixed in equal amounts in the 1 - day drinking orange cat 2 liters 3-10 days to get rid of toxins .

Leukemia symptoms

Symptoms of leukemia include:

- Frequent fever
- Sticky sweating at night
- Bone pain
- The lymph nodes under the armpit or groin
- Nose often anal bleeding gums or easy bruising or   bleeding menstrual
- Do not want to diet or lose weight without reason
- Feel very tired without a clear reason
- Swelling and pain
  in the left side of the abdomen.

Sex Health

Add 1 hour to sleep, increase feeling of sex 14%

Add one hour in sleeping in a day can increase sex feeling 14% of couple in the next day, said the researcher, Machigan University in USA. If you feel less and less in sex, you should fine the way that can solve this problem. You should check that how many hour do you sleep per day, and if you did get enough sleep that is the problems that feel less and less with your partner.

In order to solve this problem, you should spend eat least add one hour for you sleeping time, so you can increase 14% you will feel you want to have sex with your partner.

Happiness time for people

When is the most happiness time for people? Between single life and marriage life. 

If we compare between fresh fruit and the fruit that we keep for a long time, it is different. The fresh fruit is preferred than the long days fruit. 
How about the lives of people, which is the most happiness between the single man and the marriage who get the very happiness sex?
The American researchers think that, it is depend on the couple love and believe each other, so they will have a very happiness life and happiness sex is more better. 

Some researchers believe that: 

Th same partner is the most better way to have sex

According to the survey of some people from the united state, recently, show that, 90% of man believed that sex is one of the very important thing that make people get happy and more happiness if the partners show the love and understand each other, and they also have a chance to have a happiness with each other for more time. Absolutely, if you have sex with the same partners very often we will be able to know what is the happiness sex in their life.

The explaining from the specialist 

Mr. Paul Hukhmiker the doctor of psychology at Mahatan commune said that: what the man tries to persuade before they make a sex with his partner. What his expect is to have a very good sex and romantic sex with his partner and to make his partner feel very happy with him.

But that specialist, against that, that man will have a very good feeling and romantic feeling after they have a very romantic sex with his partner.  

Happy time

The Best Drinks for Dieters

What You Want: A Dirty Martini
(220 to 330 calories*)
A better choice: Hot-pepper-infused vodka over ice with an olive (105 calories)
Like the suave gentleman who bought this for you at the bar, martinis can be sneaky. A 4-ounce drink has around 220 calories, and many generous bartenders serve martinis in larger glasses. "The bigger a drink, the more alcohol it has and, therefore, the more calories it has," says Stephanie Clarke, MS, RD, a Best Life nutritionist and co-owner of C&J Nutrition in Manhattan. The addition of olive brine in a dirty martini only adds about 20 extra calories, which isn't a big of a deal— but the sodium is, says Clarke. "It can increase your thirst, which you may try to quench with more alcohol, and can also make you feel bloated the next day." The pepper in this drink is subtle; it's not like drinking a bottle of hot sauce. At home, try infusing vodka using this recipe from Emeril Lagasse.

The Best Foods for Your Hair

You've tried all of the intensive-conditioning masks in the world, but the problem may lie a little deeper. 

These foods could help you get the hair you want.

You want: More growth, and some shine wouldn't hurt

Try eating more: Probiotics

Inflammation can interfere with normal hair growth, and there's some research with animals suggesting that controlling inflammation by feeding your gut the right foods can counteract those damaging effects. A study in PLOS One reports that mice fed probiotics had more robust fur growth and shinier fur than mice in the control group, who didn't get any beneficial bacteria in their diets. Whitney Bowe, MD, a clinical assistant professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai Medical Center, in New York, recommends three servings per day of probiotic-rich foods and drinks like miso paste (found in miso soup), yogurt with live active cultures, kefir and kombucha.

Triceps: Swiss Ball Lying Triceps Extension

Triceps: Swiss Ball Lying Triceps Extension
The benefit: Lying on a Swiss ball forces your core to work harder to keep you stable. So you work your abs as you shape the backs of your arms.

How to do it: Grab a pair of dumbbells and lie on your back on a Swiss ball that your middle and upper back are on the ball. Raise your hips so your body forms a straight line from your knees to your shoulders. Hold the dumbbells over your forehead, with your arms straight and your palms facing each other [A]. Without moving your upper arms, bend your elbows and lower the dumbbells until your forearms are beyond parallel to the floor [B]. Pause, then lift the weights back to the start.

Shoulders: Scaption and Shrug

Shoulders: Scaption and Shrug
The benefit: When you raise the dumbbells to start this exercise, you target the front of your shoulders, as well as your rotator cuff. Then comes the shrug. This part of the move helps better balance the muscles that rotate your shoulder blades. The end result: great-looking shoulders and better posture.

How to do it: Stand holding a pair of dumbbells with your feet shoulder-width apart. Let the dumbbells hang at arm's length next to your sides, your palms facing each other [A]. Without changing the bend in your elbows, raise your arms at an angle to your body (so that they form a ''Y''), until they're parallel to the floor [B]. At the top of the movement, shrug your shoulders upward [C]. Pause, then reverse the movement to return to the start, and repeat.

Offset Dumbbell Lunge

Quadriceps: Offset Dumbbell Lunge
The benefit: Holding a weight on just one side of your body increases the demand placed on your core to keep your body stable. The result: Your hips and abs have to work harder, and you'll also improve your balance. And better yet, you'll burn tons of calories.

How to do it: Hold a dumbbell in your right hand next to your shoulder, with your arm bent [A]. Step forward with your right leg and lower your body until your right knee is bent at least 90 degrees and your left knee nearly touches the floor [B]. Push yourself back to the starting position. That's one rep. Do all your reps, then repeat with your left leg, while holding the weight in your left hand.

lutes: Hip Raise

The benefit: It targets the muscles of your rear end, which can help make your belly flatter. The reason: When your glutes are weak—as they are in most women—the top of your pelvis tilts forward. This not only places stress on your lower back, but it causes your tummy to stick out—even if you don't have an ounce of fat. Your fix: the hip raise.

How to do it: Lie on your back on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor [A]. Now brace your core, squeeze your glutes, and raise your hips so your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees [B]. Pause for 3 to 5 seconds—squeezing your glutes tightly the entire time—then lower back to the start.

Mountain Climber with Hands on Swiss Ball

Abs: Mountain Climber with Hands on Swiss Ball
The benefit: It's one of the simplest, yet most effective ways to tighten your tummy. In fact, you'll barely have to move a muscle.

How to do it: Assume a pushup position with your arms completely straight, but place your hands on a Swiss ball instead of the floor. Your body should form a straight line from your head to your ankles. Tighten your core and hold it that way for the duration of the exercise. Lift one foot off the floor and slowly raise your knee as close to your chest as you can without changing your lower-back posture. Then repeat with your other leg. Alternate back and forth for 30 seconds. If that's too hard, place your hands on the floor or a bench.

The Best New Exercises (for every part of a woman's body!)

The Best New Exercises (for every part of a woman's body!)

There's a popular saying among fitness experts: "The best exercise is the one you're not doing." The take-home message? To achieve the best results, you need to regularly challenge your body in new ways. So while classic movements like the pushup, lunge, and squat are the staples of any good workout plan, varying the way you perform these exercises every 4 weeks can help you avoid plateaus, beat boredom, and speed fat loss.

That's why we wrote The Women's Health Big Book of Exercises. From start to finish, this makeover manual bulges with full-color photos of more than 600 exercises, along with scores of cutting-edge workouts from the world's top trainers. All to give you thousands of ways to upgrade your old workout—and sculpt the body you've always wanted. You can start today, with this list of the best new exercises for every part of a woman's body.