Get rid of the toxins from it can help you look younger , fresher and provide healthy feeling happy with the formula to get rid of toxins now is lemon
Lemon ( lemon ) rich by Washington against free radicals and other vitamins that help to get rid of toxins from the body , and most importantly , is to eat fruit?
For the main ingredients needed to get rid of toxins , such as fresh water Pearl level B ( Maple Syrup Grade B ) , orange , lemon fresh sea salt mill Cayenne Pepper Sea Salt . Method :
1 . Get rid of toxins by the wedge formula should be left free to relax enough to make ready for the fun to get rid of toxins from the body .
2 . Squeezing fresh lemons 12-14 tablespoons sea salt and a half teaspoon syrup spoon Pearl 13-14 mix 2 liters of water
3 . Try honeymoon drink small sips throughout the day when you feel thirsty
4 . Intestinal wash salt formula by combining 1 teaspoon sea salt in 1 liter of water policy to melt into each other and eating salt . But salt intake during the evening is better than another .
5 . Eating orange lemon salt water mixed in equal amounts in the 1 - day drinking orange cat 2 liters 3-10 days to get rid of toxins .
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