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7 women orgasms

Some women have problems in sexual intercourse did not reach the goal or not comfortable top ( orgasms ) desire .

1. Self-training:
The first phase of the women can gain happiness from helping themselves, but when self-help, do not try to drill into the penis should immediately use masturbation A place to feel let down lowered, you will experience happiness ever before.

2 . Sensitized before bed :
Before reaching the bed should be used to drink , eat dinner , then reached with its partners . A Dessert Today sensitized body to burn and reached a comfort in the final stages .

3. Imagine:
Besides happiness with their partners, and that dreams can help you to concentrate fully with sex beans with imagination, while his partner you are sensitized you do it's not a thing wrong.

4 . Strengthen muscles gesture :
The experiments have shown that women who make gestures to strengthen every day can orgasm quickly and often and Sreang very racy .

5. MMA:
Many martial arts that is suitable for women, and the most appropriate above 3 reasons:
1. You are controlling the situation.
2. When contact with the man's hip Sreang
3 . Hand touching his chest Dessert .

6 . Behind the offensive :
Benefits of the martial arts , you can use artificial or assistance in doing sex partners .

7 . Tell them about your feelings :
The main thing you need to remember is that you voice say what you like and what you do not like ?

Get rid of the toxins from it can help you look younger

Get rid of the toxins from it can help you look younger , fresher and provide healthy feeling happy with the formula to get rid of toxins now is lemon

Lemon ( lemon ) rich by Washington against free radicals and other vitamins that help to get rid of toxins from the body , and most importantly , is to eat fruit?

For the main ingredients needed to get rid of toxins , such as fresh water Pearl level B ( Maple Syrup Grade B ) , orange , lemon fresh sea salt mill Cayenne Pepper Sea Salt . Method :

1 . Get rid of toxins by the wedge formula should be left free to relax enough to make ready for the fun to get rid of toxins from the body .
2 . Squeezing fresh lemons 12-14 tablespoons sea salt and a half teaspoon syrup spoon Pearl 13-14 mix 2 liters of water
3 . Try honeymoon drink small sips throughout the day when you feel thirsty
4 . Intestinal wash salt formula by combining 1 teaspoon sea salt in 1 liter of water policy to melt into each other and eating salt . But salt intake during the evening is better than another .
5 . Eating orange lemon salt water mixed in equal amounts in the 1 - day drinking orange cat 2 liters 3-10 days to get rid of toxins .

Leukemia symptoms

Symptoms of leukemia include:

- Frequent fever
- Sticky sweating at night
- Bone pain
- The lymph nodes under the armpit or groin
- Nose often anal bleeding gums or easy bruising or   bleeding menstrual
- Do not want to diet or lose weight without reason
- Feel very tired without a clear reason
- Swelling and pain
  in the left side of the abdomen.

Sex Health

Add 1 hour to sleep, increase feeling of sex 14%

Add one hour in sleeping in a day can increase sex feeling 14% of couple in the next day, said the researcher, Machigan University in USA. If you feel less and less in sex, you should fine the way that can solve this problem. You should check that how many hour do you sleep per day, and if you did get enough sleep that is the problems that feel less and less with your partner.

In order to solve this problem, you should spend eat least add one hour for you sleeping time, so you can increase 14% you will feel you want to have sex with your partner.

Happiness time for people

When is the most happiness time for people? Between single life and marriage life. 

If we compare between fresh fruit and the fruit that we keep for a long time, it is different. The fresh fruit is preferred than the long days fruit. 
How about the lives of people, which is the most happiness between the single man and the marriage who get the very happiness sex?
The American researchers think that, it is depend on the couple love and believe each other, so they will have a very happiness life and happiness sex is more better. 

Some researchers believe that: 

Th same partner is the most better way to have sex

According to the survey of some people from the united state, recently, show that, 90% of man believed that sex is one of the very important thing that make people get happy and more happiness if the partners show the love and understand each other, and they also have a chance to have a happiness with each other for more time. Absolutely, if you have sex with the same partners very often we will be able to know what is the happiness sex in their life.

The explaining from the specialist 

Mr. Paul Hukhmiker the doctor of psychology at Mahatan commune said that: what the man tries to persuade before they make a sex with his partner. What his expect is to have a very good sex and romantic sex with his partner and to make his partner feel very happy with him.

But that specialist, against that, that man will have a very good feeling and romantic feeling after they have a very romantic sex with his partner.  

Happy time